Rainbow as Sign

Rainbow as Sign

Monday, September 12, 2011


Why is my neighbour's bauble shinier than mine? Why are my neighbour's belongings better than mine? Such questions, such torments we put ourselves through.

This is not just a trait commonly found in humans. Animals put themselves through such pangs of agony as well. The cliche, the grass is greener on the other side, aptly applies to all and sundry. Take my two dogs for example. They are always after each other's snacks and toys, always believing that the other got the better share of things. And once they succeeded in snatching their rival's items, they are satisfied with the safe assumption that they now indeed possess the better share of things.

Is that not so with us? Somebody's car is always bigger. Somebody's wife / husband is always the model spouse. Our friend is slimmer / prettier. Our brother's house is more luxurious. Everybody is always richer than we are.

Hence the root of discontent. Is it so difficult to simply accept what God in His infinite wisdom has given us? Sure, our bauble may not be as shiny as our neighbour's baubles, but what we desire is not always what is best for us. We hanker after cars that are bigger, bank accounts that are fatter, branded goods and physical beauty. In chasing after the superficial, we lose our spiritual sense of direction. With idols of pleasures before us, we sink deeper into mire. We breed pride, envy, greed and gluttony, which leads to anger when our desires are not satiated. The lust for material goods leads to the sloth in our spiritual life. The seven deadly sins thus commited.

Comparison. Indeed a revolting word.

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