Rainbow as Sign

Rainbow as Sign

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Faith of a Child

I love to play with peoples' faces. Not literally, of course. Just give me a photo of a person and voila! I'm in my playground. Superimposing is one of my hobbies. Just ask the long-suffering Mr. Caveman. He has been turned into Wolverine, Rambo, a toilet-sitting thinker ala Rodin, and even became green when I turned him into Shrek. Of course, if I post one of my 'artistic creations' of him here, I have no doubt that the normally placid grunting and groaning caveman will turn into a roaring grizzly bear.

I once asked my nephews and nieces which of their favourite characters they would like me to turn them into. One said he would like to be Prince Caspian, another a Barbie princess. When it was the turn of my 5 year old nephew, he looked up at me innocently, and said he would like to be Jesus. I solemnly asked him why. He replied that Jesus is a hero.

Just like that. Jesus is a hero. And yet in that simple statement, love and unquestioning adoration shone in his eyes. That is the simple and yet wonderful faith of a child. They do not need evidences to believe. They do not need testimonies to believe. They do not need to see to believe. They just believe. A pure, unadulterated faith that comes straight from the heart.

It is beautiful.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

God's Canvas

God's work of art, on a piece of heavenly canvas, is simply awesome. It is easy to see God in the ever-changing clouds. All photos were taken from the same location -- my balcony.

Sunrise, at about 6.30am

Pink and purple evening.

Blowing face in the cloud on a windy evening.

Red dusk, after a storm.

Shortly before nightfall, the 'eye' in the dark.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Worries and Advice......

Advice, generally unasked for, have been pouring in ever since I started a relationship with Mr. Caveman. Most of these people are generally concerned about my well-being. The advice ranged from being helpful to downright ridiculous, the former from my relatives, the latter mostly from my friends -- my ever-worldly ones. Here are the ten most 'interesting' ones from my friends:

10. Is he really interested in you?
9 . Protect your assets. Don't get swindled.
8 . How can you be sure he's going to remain faithful to you 10 years down the road?
7 . When your looks are gone, he might ditch you for younger women.
6 . Due to your age gap, you'll have communication problems.
5 . Have fun now, and ditch him when you're tired of him.
4 . Don't worry about his feelings. Just do what you want with him. You come first.
3 . Get married NOW. Your body clock is ticking.
2 . Save some money for the psychiatrist when things go wrong.
1 . Don't marry him. Just get a baby from him. A child is more important than a man.

Yeah, I admit it's pretty funny. Good for guffaws.

The sad part is, my friends were actually serious when they gave me these advice. They were genuinely worried for me. Part of the reason stem from their lives, their marital problems, their insecurity. The problems that crop up when they try to take things in their own hands and use their own methods to find their way. Their perceptions became askew when things do not work out.

I'm not worried. God is above us. He has moved things for us so fast and yet, He is so subtle. Step by step, we gained confirmation, between ourselves, our church and brethrens, family and relatives. What was considered unthinkable a year ago has now become 'so right'. As long as we see God, we don't have to worry about worldly perspectives. These are the evidences we gradually see, the reason God put us together.

For me :
God puts him with me to help me gain understanding of His Word, His promises. He helps me regain my perspectives and focus whenever I'm troubled, and gives me strength to face uncertainties and spiritual problems. He enriches my life spiritually, and brings me closer to God.

For him :
God puts me with him to help him with family gospelization, and also to bridge the gap between him and his mother. I help him gain strength to face daily problems, encouragement when he's discouraged, and to diffuse him so that he doesn't blow up so often.

God has brought us through various stages to cement our relationship. It was not love at first sight, nor love of the flesh. We went through the mentor / protege ( for vocal training ) stage to friends, then from best friends to brother / sister, and finally, to where we are today. From all these, God showed us the different facets in our characters, our faults and our strengths, and we thus gained deeper understanding of each other in order to complement one another. We are learning to overlook our faults, to stop nit-picking and to look at the bigger picture beyond just us as a couple, but at what God has in store for us.

Above all, we look towards God.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Problems, problems, problems! One after another, continuous and without respite. Round and round it goes. From physical to spiritual to psychological and back again. And now it's the turn of work problems to rear its head.

This is the year which I have the most problems, the most headache, and to cap it all, unlimited weepy moments ( probably 17 years of overdue weepy moments squashed into a year ). And yet this is the year which I'm at my happiest.

Really, honestly and truly very tired. Will just leave everything to God.